Friday, February 17, 2012

There are things one should never do...

Dear Olive Paste, you're sitting for days now in the fridge and I never pick you up. You may have wondered why, what is it with this attitude, when we were so close when I brought you home.

You have been dishonest with me. You know how much I like green olives and you wrote that in big letters to seduce me. But nowhere did you say you flirted with sweet paprika (not so sweet if you ask me).

Why would you do that, you know I would have loved you just the way you were... Ok, ok, so you wrote it somewhere in tiny letters, I am not saying it's all your fault, but I didn't read the fine print because I trusted you. Now I don't want to be rude, but it doesn't fit you AT ALL. I don't know what to say, you've dissapointed me.

True, the first thing I liked about you was your friendly little jar and that I'll keep. But I expected more from you. Now what am I going to do with you? You know as well as I do that NO ONE will touch you considering, you know, your... thing. And I wouldn't have brought this up if you wouldn't stare at me each and every single time that I opened the fridge. I am sorry. I can't. Not like this.


  1. Hhahahahahaaa I can't stop laughing!!! Poor thing... not you, the olive paste!

  2. Tu Anca, deci esti ras cu lacrimi! :-))))) talking to an olive paste!!!!! :-)))))

  3. Better love story than Twilight :P (if you know the meme) ! Better short story that I've read for a long time now!

  4. :)) Thank you girls! Just so you know, the Olive Paste talked first...

  5. ... but we still don´t know what fate awaits poor Olive Paste. Toilet or kitchen sink? Or perhaps under the snow pile on the rose beds? - Eco friendly composting.

  6. Hahahahahaaaaaaaa. That is a great story to end the day.
    Poor baghy, what will you have for dinner :)

  7. You know, under the snow pile is quite a good idea! Deep, deep under the snow. I'll bury it like a doggie :)

    I guess I'll have to starve tonight. Love hurts.

  8. If the olive paste spoke first, maybe it's because it grows old or turns into something else... (nu zicem uneori ca ”face picioare”?) But maybe you shouldn't be so harsh with the roses, they didn't do any harm :))

  9. hahaha, I'm curious to know the end of history :)

  10. hahaha!! You made me laugh, nice story :)

  11. AH, this was hilarious! Glad to know someone else personifies their food too!
